Well it's been a while since my last adventurous post and I've been all over New Eden while enjoying some pretty exciting encounters. Before I start though, I should all warn you that I'm a big fan of a certain rhetorical device that some may find corny or simplistic... but I love usin it! That device is the alliteration. Already in this post I've used two whole alliterations (one of them subconsciously I'll admit)! Imagine how many I could put in a newspaper column or even a book! For those of you who don't know the beautiful device that is alliteration, let me explain it for you. Simply put, an alliteration is the use of two or more words starting with the same letter. I know that's a pretty basic definition and I know there's a lot more to it but I've been through high school English and I wish never to return. So that's it! Here's a most remarkable example of an alliteration:
Floyd Foggytreks fears fifteen frollicking Frenchmen.
Brilliant, I know. What I'm getting at is this: if you can't stand alliterations en masse, well you can just take a number!
Moving on from my semi-coherent musings on the importance of rhetorical device, I'll bring everyone up to date on my adventures in Eve.
With the loss of
Jenny I fresh in my mind, I went about purchasing another Incursus frigate at a reasonable price. After picking it up in a high sec system I fit it with leftover modules I'd found while ratting in some asteroid belts and then proceeded to the dangerous system of Heydieles. Mid transit I decided to name my ship the ingenious
Jenny II; not one to stick to patterns.
Unfortunately as I arrived in system I had to leave my controls to help lug some things around. I made a safe spot and left my controls for a total of about five minutes. After those few struggling minutes I hopped back into my seat to see that
Jenny II had disappeared from the screen. Instead of sitting behind the controls of my Gallente frigate, I was floating in my capsule. "How the heck did that happen?" I asked myself. I stopped my ship in a safe spot... surely I couldn't have been attacked and blown out of the sky by some rampaging rapscallion!
Upon further investigation, I found that the rapscallions had indeed found me and that they had indeed shot me to high hell.
Jenny II mysteriously, but quickly
fell to the hands of a pirate by the name of skuggan... What kind of a name is skuggan anyway?! It's not even capitalized properly!! Floyd Foggytreks was angry - very angry.
Not one to give up and not one to make the same mistakes twice, I scoured the markets for yet another Incursus. Only a few minutes later,
Jenny III tore through space in her most bad-ass fitting yet. I was out for blood. I was out for vengeance. Most importantly, I was out of toilet paper......